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Wirteverband Basel-Stadt

Wirteverband Basel-Stadt

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Massensterben der englischen Pubs

Umsatzrückgänge von über 20 Prozent…

In England wurde am 1. Juli ein rigoroses Rauchverbot in der Gastronomie eingeführt. In einem Leserbrief an den "Daily Telegraph" berichtet ein Pub-Betreiber von Umsatzeinbussen und Betriebsschliessungen.

Die Regierung habe stets behauptet, die Nichtraucher würden in hellen Scharen die Pubs stürmen, doch habe wohl jemand vergessen, das den Nichtrauchern auszurichten. Es sei ihm schon immer merkwürdig vorgekommen, dass angeblich 70% der Bevölkerung ein Rauchverbot wünschen, hätten doch 80% seiner Gäste geraucht.

Der Umsatz sei seit Einführung des Verbots um 22 Prozent gefallen. Allein im Umkreis von 10 Meilen hätten bereits fünf Betriebe dicht gemacht. Die Vorhersage des "British Institute of Innkeepers", in den nächsten zwei Jahren würden 5000 Pubs wegen des Rauchverbots schliessen, werde wohl leider zutreffen. Schon bald müsse man Landgasthöfe mit der Lupe suchen – und die verbliebenen Gaststätten könnten nur überleben, wenn sie fünf Pfund für ein Glas Bier verlangen.

Smoke-free but empty

Sir - The Government told us that once the smoking ban was in force, non-smokers would start to flock to our pubs, trade would be well above normal and food sales would go through the roof. But we have a problem. I think that somewhere along the line somebody has forgotten to tell the non-smokers. Where are they? We geared up with extra staff, revamped the menu, did a paint job, but no extra trade.

The Government told us that 70 per cent of the British people wanted smoke-free pubs, which we thought was a little strange at the time as 80 per cent of pub-goers smoke. Average British pub takings are 22 per cent down since July 1. I have been told of five closing down within 10 miles of me. Three months ago the British Institute of Innkeepers predicted that England would lose 5000 pubs in the first two years as a direct result of this ban. What is wrong with pubs having a choice of being smoking or non-smoking? Then market forces would dictate what we would become. That's democracy. And everybody gets a choice.

I predict that within two years you will have to drive quite a few miles to find a village pub that is open. If you do, a pint of beer will cost £5 because the publican will have to charge this to make up for the lack of trade. We are taking the Government on in the High Court. We have been told that we will win, but if we don't you can kiss goodbye to the great British pub forever, and watch the small micro-brewers start to fold.

Tony Blows, The Dog Inn, Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire

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